Sunday, January 25, 2015

Top 10 underrated games of 2014


2014 had some interesting games this year but there are a few I think might have missed some peoples interests. These games are not necessarily great but they aren't all that bad either. I believe that these games deserve more popularity, better reviews, or just should of sold more copies. Here is my list of the most underrated games of 2014.
10. Alien Isolation

Sure Alien Isolation had its problems and yes it was too long, but it's still the best alien game we've got in a long time. The alien is terrifying and smart, the atmosphere is spot on to the original alien movie, and the suspense is always present. It's definitely worth a try if your an alien fan. Do be warned though, you will die a lot in your journey, some people see it as a bad thing, I see it as a refreshing challenge.
 9. Lords of the Fallen

A lot of people might blow this game off as a shameless dark souls rip off, but that is further from the truth. Sure it is very obvious that lords of the fallen is inspired by dark souls but it has its own tone and atmosphere and it's a great game for the people who might have thought dark souls was too hard. lords of the fallen is still challenging but not incredibly difficult. An interesting dark fantasy game to go along with some of the greats.
8. Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for the 3DS is an odd game but a great cross over from two awesome games. One part of the game uses logic and analyzing a specific situation to make decisions and the other you're investigating and solving fun puzzles. This game is not for everybody because there is a lot text, dialogue, and thinking about the problems at hand and the story is a bit weak at times, but that is not reason to look past this game if you enjoy either adventure and story driven games. It is a unique experience.
7. South Park the Stick of Truth

 South Park the stick of truth is by far the best South Park game to ever exist. It blends hilarious dialogue and fun turn base RPG. There are tons of great classic south park moments, characters, and more. The shock value remains the same just as the show, and the environments are painstakingly detailed, looking exactly like a south park episode. Although their isn't much deference between classes, the combat remains fun and yet simple. Any fan of South Park will love this entry into the series.

6. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze


Everybody loves Donkey Kong and his latest adventure will not disappoint. The game is very challenging yet amusing for both kids and adults. Each level can be played with different Kong's who all have their own unique abilities witch gives the game high replay value. Tropical Freeze is also a big game full of exciting content and awesome gameplay, Donkey Kong has never look this good before. Donkey Kong fans rejoice because this franchise is far from dead.
5. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Yet another Wii U title on this list, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a nice refreshing entry in the Mario franchise. You play as Captain Toad(duh!), who has to adventure through puzzle filled levels to retrieve the treasure at the other end of the map. This time there is no jump or powers ups, just walking, climbing, and using your headlamp in dark levels filled with ghosts. This mechanic might sound boring is surprisingly entertaining and simple.
4. Evil Within

 By far the creepiest entry on the list, Shinji Mikami creator of Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, and many other games has yet another great horror game on his roaster. Evil Within brings us amazing psychological horror and fun and brutal action that always keeps you on the edge of your seat. Reminiscent of Resident evil 4 (one of my favorite games EVER!) this new horror title has some of the most intense gameplay and boss battles I have seen in a long time. I do not regret playing the Evil Within. 

3. Hyrule Warriors


It has been an amazing year for Nintendo and the Wii U, with such an odd combination, Hyrule Warriors blends Dynasty Warriors and the Legend of Zelda into one glorious mix. With the structure of DW and the look and feel of LOZ, Hyrule Warriors offers great strategic gameplay and heart pounding action with many of Links memorial moments in LOZ. The name of the game is prioritizing, witch is not as easy as it sounds. A bizarre but somehow awesome game.
2. Legend of Grimmrock 2
Legend of Grimmrock 2 brings old school gameplay to new light in this improved sequel. Legend of Grimmrock 2 play like a very old grid based fantasy RPG except with modern day graphic, framrate, a big beautiful open world. This game is very hard and takes some time to get used too, but once you do, you see how enthralling this game really is. Its addictive gameplay and character management is accompanied by complex puzzles that just may keep you thinking for hours. Not man people may have heard of it but its more than worth a shot.
1. Wolfenstein: The New Order
The Wolfenstein series has kept us blasting Nazis for years now, but when The New Order comes along everything changes. This game brings us amazing new and old style gameplay that I have been waiting for a long time now. It offers big guns, really big guns, action, stealth, a unique character leveling system, and most of all, the freaking WEAPON WHEEL! Witch sadly haven't seen in a long time. The New Order is the fps we have been waiting for that bring back the good in the old games that veteran gamers love so much. Do not miss out on this experience.

Monday, November 24, 2014

A foreboding and mysterious dramatic thriller that leaves you guessing

Gone girl is directed by David Fincher staring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike. Before I get to much into this review I will try not to spoil any major plot details on the film. This was a very interesting film, I had not read the novel but from what I heard it stays pretty true to it. This film has some major themes about marriage, media and manipulation, witch makes you think about the circumstances this film throws at you.

When a man comes home to find his wife is missing and signs of struggle, he calls the police and a huge investigation comes up. You immediately start to point your finger at the husband thinking that did he murder his wife or that there is something more diabolical going on here. the movie has some great cinematography, displaying a very dark tone of mystery and something deeper that's going on in the background. The film has an amazingly dark score from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross as David Fincher loves to use their collaboration in his films.

About half way through the movie it starts to take some very drastic turns that I had no idea were coming, witch really surprised me about the movie, most of the way through I thought it would be more of a murder mystery but turns into something totally different. Tyler Perry did a surprisingly fantastic job as the lawyer and made me laugh in a lot of the scenes he was in. There are some weaknesses in the movie though, I believe the 3rd act could of been a little shorter and Neil Patrick Harris's character felt a little awkward and out of place but that's really it. This is a very strong Fall film and probably one of my favorite of the year.

Overall this is a solid title and a very thought provoking one at that. It touches on subjects and matters that will have people talking about this movie for months to come. If the movie would of been just a little bit shorter I would probably give a perfect score but still a great one. I recommend anyone interested in seeing it to check it out.
